About ProHumano+

Everything for the people

ProHumano+ product range was created thinking about how to best serve and do good to the people. Every ProHumano+ product encompasses the continuous care for people, down to the smallest detail. 

All this so that the miracle called Life, received as a gift by each of us, can be fully lived in every moment.

We are dedicated to our consumers through ProHumano+ products and services designed to improve their health and thus their entire lives.

ProHumano+ product range for the peripheral nervous system, joints and liver

Down to the smallest detail

ProHumano+ knows each detail of the human body, its way of functioning, from the miracle of birth to late adulthood.

Being over 30s life actually gets better and we feel best about our overall appearance. We are healthy, nothing hurts, our skin stays firm and we are mentally sharp. As we get older, the body begins to have difficulties, certain things no longer work so well, but the mind, the spirit that we enjoyed in our 30s still lives with us.

After a certain age, some things can give way: memory ability fluctuates, pain occurs, mobility is reduced. But people know and feel that the man from the age of 30 lives in them, they want to be the same to the smallest detail because the spirit of the 30-year-old lives inside them.

SpineDinamic ajută la funcționarea normală a sistemului nervos periferic și contribuie la susținerea sănătății aparatului locomotor ProHumano+ SpineDinamic


ArtroDinamic conține colagen hidrolizat, glucozamină și acid hialuronic, ce se regăsesc în mod natural la nivel articular. ProHumano+ ArtroDinamic

ProHumano+ SpineDinamic supports the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system and supports the musculoskeletal system health.

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ProHumano+ ArtroDinamic knows every detail of joint movement. Contains hydrolyzed collagen, glucosamine and hyaluronic acid, components which are naturally present in the joints.

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HepatoDefense conține o formulă inovatoare care combină efectele benefice ale silibinei cu cele ale fosfolipidelor esențiale. ProHumano+ HepatoDefense



ProHumano+ HepatoDefense Capsules knows every detail of liver protection. Contains an innovative formula combining the beneficial effects of silybin with those of essential phospholipids.

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Reduce neuropathic pain, prevent joint pain and liver conditions with ProHumano+ products

And something more

ProHumano+ understands that we want to stay young. Its purpose is to support our body so that body and spirit stay in sync and you feel like being in your 30s again.

ProHumano+ offers a range of safe, high quality products, created from the constant concern for the needs and desires of its consumers.

