SpineDinamic for the peripheral nervous system. Provides support to the peripheral nerve regeneration and restores spine mobility. HumanoPedia prezintă gama de produse ProHumano+ pentru sistemul nervos periferic, articulații și ficat


Neurotrophic factors

Neurotrophic factors are proteins, mostly peptides or small proteins, that support the growth, survival, and differentiation of both developing and mature neurons.

In the mature nervous system, neurotrophic factors promote neuronal survival, induce synaptic plasticity, and modulate the formation of long-term memories.

Neurotrophic factors also promote the growth and initial development of neurons in the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. Besides their role in regeneration, neurotrophic factors also have neuroprotection functions.

One ProHumano+ SpineDinamic capsule contains 7.20 mg of vitamin D3, 5.20 mg of vitamin B12, and 1.27 mg of vitamin B1, which support the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system.

SpineDinamic for the peripheral nervous system. Provides support to the peripheral nerve regeneration and restores spine mobility. HumanoPedia prezintă gama de produse ProHumano+ pentru sistemul nervos periferic, articulații și ficat

ProHumano+ Products for healthy peripheral nervous system

SpineDinamic helps reduce neuropathic pain
ProHumano+ SpineDinamic supports peripheral nerve regeneration and helps relieve neuropathic pain
ProHumano+ SpineDinamic FORTE supports peripheral nerve regeneration and helps relieve neuropathic pain

Did you know?

One of the most common pain condition in urban Romanian population aged 20-55 years old experience is the back pain (62%).

Back pain
of adults

Information source:

GfK 2013 report "Prevalence of pain among Romanian population: headaches, back and dental pain are the most common ones". The even distribution of back pain across all age groups, from ages 20 to 55, is alarming.

SpineDinamic supports the peripheral nervous system