ArtroDinamic for joints. Supports cartilage regeneration, increases lubrication and joint mobility. HumanoPedia prezintă gama de produse ProHumano+ pentru sistemul nervos periferic, articulații și ficat


Breastfeeding women

Medicines and chemicals pass into breast milk and are transmitted to babies in different concentrations. Always consult your doctor or health care professional about the consumption of medication during breastfeeding. Depending on each case, the prescriptions must be made individually.

Many medicines are safe during breastfeeding, but one must take into account that most of the ingredients reach breast milk to some extent. To be safe, before taking any medications, herbal supplements, or vitamins consult your pediatrician.

During breastfeeding, consult your pediatrician about the administration of ProHumano+ products.

ArtroDinamic for joints. Supports cartilage regeneration, increases lubrication and joint mobility. HumanoPedia prezintă gama de produse ProHumano+ pentru sistemul nervos periferic, articulații și ficat

ProHumano+ Products for healthy joints

ArtroDinamic supports cartilage regeneration
ProHumano+ ArtroDinamic stimulates cartilage regeneration

Did you know?

Joint pain is the most common pain among Romanian people. 8 out of 10 people suffer from knee joints pain, wrist pain, ankle or shoulder pain.

Joint pain
of Romanian people

Information source:

Quantitative Research, 2014, urban population over 35 years old, Romania.

Osteoarthritis does not stop you from keeping up with your loved ones

Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic joint condition. It is a degenerative condition that manifests mainly in the elderly, but it can also appear as a result of a joint injury or infection.

Osteoarthritis (also called arthritis) can affect any joint. However, the most commonly affected areas of the body are the joints that support more weight, such as the joints of the knee, hip, and spine, but also the hands (finger joints).

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Often, conditions that appear with the passage of time force us to give up daily activities.

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ArtroDinamic supports cartilage regeneration